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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Damyang, Sunchang

Sunday - We are staying at the most beautiful spa resort up in the mountains here at Damyang. The surrounding mountains, gardens and scenery is amazing. The rooms are beautiful, marble bathrooms, rice paper doors in the buildings, and of course - a lovely gift shop.

This morning we drove through a lake district surrounded by cherry blossoms. Just when we thought the scenery couldn't get any more beautiful - it did.
We then went for a long walk through the forest at Sunchang, up a popular hiking trail, past waterfalls and a clear stream to a beautiful temple (with women monks). The monks fed the children watermelon to refresh them for the walk back. Absolutely perfect sunny weather. We are all in hysterics over the way the Koreans dress for their hiking. It was a wide gravel path, and stone steps, and boardwalks, but they were decked out in full hiking gear - boots, pants, irredescent jackets, gloves, hats and even a foldable walking spike stick in each hand - hilarious!

After our big walk, we went to the traditional village of Sunchang - known worldwide for its long living people, and the supplier of gochujang (red pepper chilli paste). We had lunch at the restaurant (bibimbap, side dishes and fresh strawberries), and then we did a cooking class. It was so much fun. It was not on the original itinerary - but we have discovered that our itinerary is constantly changing but that is fine. Firstly we all made Korean pizza. We put slices of rice cake (like pasta) in a circle on a hot pan, then covered it with a dough (flour, water), then we spread a cooked pork mince (with gochujang) then we chopped onion, capsicum, and mushroom and spread it out, and then covered it in cheese, followed by tomato sauce. Then the lid went on and it cooked - it was delicious.

Next we went outside and the kids and adults took turns beating glutinous rice with huge hammers to make a dough, then rolled it in white bean powder to make dukk (rice cakes).

Then we watched in amazement as a guy piled rice into a antique looking gas fired contraption, the kids took turn to wind the handle, and then he told everyone to stand back, and it literally exploded shooting the puffed rice into a basket. We all nearly had a heart attack - no occ health and safety exists here!  But the kids all loved eating the rice - like popcorn.

Next it was back into the cooking school kitchen where we all made our own gochujang (red pepper paste). It needs to ferment for 6 months, so we made up a batch, and then we all took home a couple of bottles that others had made for us earlier. A great day.

We arrived back at the resort around 4.30, and so the ladies among us decided to go and try out the spa. Well, that was an experience not to be missed. It is completely segrated - men in one area, women in another. Firstly we were given a key to a locker to put our shoes in, then we took the key to another desk and got another key to another locker to put our clothes. There are no swimming togs allowed. Then it was into the shower room, then you could wander around a series of hot springs and cold pools, saunas and loofah rooms. There were green tea baths, bamboo sap baths, salt baths, jade room saunas, hot indoor pools, and hot outdoor pools. It was fascinating, relaxing and very communal. After we all got over our shyness, we all relaxed and had a great time. (no photos of this one folks!).
Dinner at the restaurant tonight, and early to bed.

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