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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Namdaemun Market, the flight home...

Friday/Saturday - This morning after some last minute packing, we checked out, stored our bags at the hotel, and headed off to Namdaemun Market on the subway. Namdaemun is one of Seoul's oldest, traditional markets, covering a huge area.  located in the very center of Seoul, it is the biggest traditional market in Korea selling children's clothing, men & women's clothing, daily miscellaneous goods, kitchenware and local and imported products. Most shops have their own factories and make the products themselves offering both wholesale and retail prices which enable visitors to purchase various shopping items.

It is open around the clock (it never closes), so there is always something to look at.  So for the last few hours we battled the crowds and picked up a few last minute bargains. Who could resist a handbok apron (oh yes, made of the same material, with colored stripes), or tshirts, shoes, hairclips, trinkets, and even some tiny chilli peppers for the Christmas tree. After roaming up and down many aisles, and multi-level buildings packed with stalls, we decided to catch the subway back to the hotel, and with minutes to spare (like most of our group we were making the most of every last minute in Seoul), boarded the bus to the airport. Liz - we have been waiting the whole trip to see you in a pink tiara...

An hour later we were at Incheon International Airport, strolling around, stretching our legs before boarding our Korean Air A330 Airbus bound for Melbourne. Incheon Airport has lots of shopping, and a couple of Korean Cultural centres where you can do a quick craft class or try on a handbok for a photo. They also stage traditional weddings for the tourists...

We left Seoul at around 6.00pm and after a rather tiring night flight home (the kids all slept, but most of the adults didn't), we arrived home at around 6.00am Melb Time - flight time around 11 hours. The direct flight is great though, no changing planes. Customs was great - less than an hour to get through despite the long queues, and we were met by our very helpful neighbour Pete - who drove us home. Home sweet home.  Oh to go to bed....
But, no bed for us...  Our Real Estate agent had arranged for an open house inspection this morning, so we ended up down the park until around 10.30am until we could gratefully slump inside the house.

A most wonderful holiday, full of so many terrific moments and memories.  We were priveledged to share our journey with a great group of friends, and our children are the richer for the experience.
Look out Korea - we plan on coming back again soon!

I hope you enjoyed my travel blog - I'd love to hear your comments, so feel free to email me!

signing off for the last time, love from Michelle


  1. We ahve all really enjoyed reading your blog Michelle, it has whetted our appetitie for our trip in August. WE will try and catch up soon, (I need tips on how to shop and bring it home!)

  2. It was a great blog Michelle. I suspect it wasn't easy to update it everyday, especially towards the end of the trip when you must of been getting tired (especially with all that shopping!). We loved checking it everyday to see what you guys were up to. So glad you all had a good time. Hope we can catch up soon. Diana and Charlie

  3. Michelle, thank you so much for sharing all your adventures. I loved reading every update. What a special time you had with your family and friends. I will miss seeing your blog entries!
    Love Robyn, Ian, Seb & Zoe

  4. Hello Michelle I am a Korean friend of Deb. We've met few times while you stay in Seoul.
    I am writing to thank you for your Korea tour blog to read it everyday.
    I was enjoying to read your travel journals every night, after my daughter gone to sleep.
    It was warm and touching and funny sometimes in your journals. I was nearly addicted!!
    I wanted to mention when we were together Dongdaemun market the other day, but I was a bit shy to talk.

    Finally you've got home.
    Take a good rest after long term travel and flight.
    Thank you

    warm regard

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Michelle,

    I have finally had time to sit down and read your blog without interuptions. It has brought back some wonderful memories and given us some great ideas for our next trip to Korea.

    Thank you for sharing your journey.
