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Monday, April 11, 2011

Volcanic peaks, craters, mazes and lava tunnels

Monday – This morning after a buffet hotel breakfast (on offer – spaghetti bol., kimchi, 3 kinds of soup, breads, chilli beef, rice, French toast, sausages, various cereals and fruits), our bus took us to Mt Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak. The peak resembles a great ancient castle when seen from a distance. The volcanic crater has a series of 99 rock peaks along the rim, and rises majestically beside the sea. After the obligatory coffee and donut at the base, we all trekked up a series of very steep steps hewn into the side of the crater, and made our way up to the rim of the volcano for spectacular views over the surrounding countryside and sea. The little kids were amazing, and all walked all the way up and down, (Lily confusing a few Koreans as she went by – counting all the steps in Spanish – that Dora has a lot to answer for!).

Along the way, we see tiny plots of yellow canola flowers, and various other vegetables all surrounded by ancient rock drystone walls. The cherry blossoms are spectacular – and we all get our cameras out when we encounter a group of them waving their beautiful pale pink flowers in the breeze.

Next it was off to Kimnyoung Maze Park – a large natural hedge maze. The kids were all very excited when our Jeju guide (the lovely Rachel) told us that only 65% of people make it to the middle to ring the bell, 35% leave the way they came in, and 5% have to be brought out by the ‘rescue squad’. Well the kids were off and running, and Trixie and Lettie were the first to make it to the centre, climb the tower and ring the bell. The rest of us all slowly made it (I was in charge of Sam, Johnny and Lee – who all decided it would be great to go in three separate directions at break neck speed!). Anyway, we all made it, and had a great deal of fun and hilarity doing it.

Back in the bus and off to the next attraction – the Manjanggul Cave and Lava Tube. This would have to be one of the most interesting and spectacular things I have ever seen in my life.  The cave is a single channel that was formed by the curvy path of the lava winding in and out. The tunnel measures 7,500 metres long, and 23 metres wide, 30 metres high. We walked into the well lit tunnel for 1 km, marvelled at the amazing lava formations, and then returned the same way. It is hard to describe what it is like inside, but it was a truly amazing sight to behold. Once again the kids all walked in and out with us, stepping over the slippery, smooth lava rocks, and enjoying the colored lights showing up the smooth, tunnel walls.

We were then driven into the main town (near the airport) to a special BBQ pork restaurant. Once again, we sat on the floor in traditional style and enjoyed cooking ‘black boar pork’ in front of us on the BBQ plate (over hot coals), and the various side dishes.
Back on the bus for home – well almost. Mrs Lee (our Korean friend from Melbourne who is travelling with us with her son Johnny) suggested that the mums all escape off the bus and she would take us night shopping at E Mart (one of Korea’s biggest shops – kind of like a large scale K Mart). So, the boys and the kids were duly kissed goodnight, and off we went on our shopping adventure. We were a bit like kids in a candy store – 3 floors of everything you can imagine. We all came home with a large paper bag full of things (mainly for the kids). OK, I admit it, mine might have been the largest.... After 2 ½ hours we all jumped in a taxi for the 30 minute ride back to our hotel. When we got back, some of the hubbies were all in one room, watching Brendan show Rachel (our Korean guide) photos on the laptop of our trip around Australia. They decided to educate her about life in Australia – complete with crocodile tales, and who knows what else!!! Lots of fun followed, and very late (or should I say early to bed!).


  1. The photos are magnificent! Say hi to everyone!

  2. Michelle, Jeju island looks beautiful!!! Kim you are right the photos are magnificent.
